Astronomical observatory of the Montsec   

The Astronomical Observatory and the Natural Centre of  History of Montsec (L�rida) a proposal interdisciplinary for the investigation and for the diffusion of the science. 

An original project that seeks to impel the scientific investigation and the extension of the natural sciences in their environment, at the same time  constitute an important factor that impulses the economy of the involved districts. The project, promoted by different institutions and public and private entities, seeks the construction of a centre multidisciplinary that will take advantage of the special characteristics of the Sierra of the Montsec, located between Aragon and Catalonia: a dark sky and a good astronomical quality, a setting environment a little agitated and an unique geologic and paleontological patrimony in Spain. For that reason it proposes an observatory construction of  a professional level (accessible to the use for professionals and enthusiastic), an interactive museum of natural history and a planetarium. The centre of the new creation will involve  already in the coordination existent net or in development of similar centres in their action area, inside the consortium Cosmoparc. 

1.600 meters on the sea level , the astronomical observatory of the Montsec has the most advanced telescope in Catalonia, located inside a dome of 6,15 meters. The purpose of this centre that is not yet inaugurated , is the creation of a documentation space, investigation and scientific formation  university student. It is located in the municipality of Sant Esteve of the Serge, area of the Corona of the chain of the Montsec d'Ares, one of the best places in Catalonia to carry out astronomical observations.  

Enjoy the pleasure to contemplate the sky and  discover the Universe and the Cosmos. The astronomical observatory of the Montsec and the center of observation of the Universe are very near the Urbanization Fontdepou.  


Centre of observation of the universe 

3,5 kilometers of the urban nucleus of �ger, where their future residence can be, three is one of the multiple spaces ludicrous most interesting  to enjoy the cultural and scientific tourism.  The centre  highlights the park of telescopes, a reserved space to the view of the night and day firmament; the Ull of the Montsec, an unique space with projection rooms; a planetarium digital multimedia and a platform of observation of the sky.